G12 Movement / Government of 12

G12 Movement / Government of 12
G12 LOGO Philippines

Miyerkules, Agosto 24, 2011

Coaching youth / G12 System

We trained youth in building their relationship to God, Leadership / Discipleship, etc.
and teaching them on how they use their Gift / Talent to church.

we use the G12 vision system in building youth successful leaders.

What is G12?
The G12 vision is focussed on Jesus Christ and His command to the church to 'go and make disciples of all nations.' This is to be accomplished by the preaching and the teaching of the gospel of the Kingdom of God in the power of the Holy Spirit and the training of committed followers of Christ.
Based on Christ's mentoring of twelve disciples and sending them out to disciple others, the G12 vision is a vision of formation and multiplication. G12 means The Government of Twelve. It is a strategy for evangelism and multiplication. This strategy is based on a believer's love for Jesus and therefore a compassion for the souls. It was birth out of the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20.
The Vision is also about forming disciples after Christ-like character. Jesus' greatest desire is to see lives completely change through His Blood. He knows that the only way that lives are transformed is through the Power of the Cross. It is important to know that G12 is not a denomination. For this reason it has never express the desire of any one to leave their denomination. Instead, G12 supports denominations, other ministries and Outreaches.

To Show Compassion
"When Jesus saw the multitudes He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd" (Matthew 9:36). Jesus imparted compassion to His disciples by teaching them to care for the needs of the multitudes. He instructed them, "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat" (Matthew 14:16). Jesus led His twelve to show the same compassion that He had for the lost and lacking. Many people are full of problems, struggles, and are lost without knowing who to go to for help. The G12 Vision gives people personal attention and care.
The Vision has specific principle methods that allow each person to receive personal pastoring. The first step of the Vision is for every person to receive Jesus Christ as Savior. Next, a leader will visit the new believer. Part of the purpose of the home visit is for a leader to understand a person's needs and help them to overcome the situations and struggles they are facing through prayer. This G12 Vision is an expression of the compassion through leadership that God has for each individual.

The G12 Vision has 4 steps: Win, Consolidate, Disciple and Send. Together these steps form the Ladder of Success.